Tuesday Tidbits

Four Ways to get your Perk On

Two fun new products for your skincare and hair care formulas, and some info on two products we have had.

Have you seen the amazing hair and skin benefits of Green Coffee Oil? This stuff is so good you can use it straight, or you can blend it into a formula.

Here are some of the benefits:

Stimulant-On the skin: this will help increase blood flow, boost cell turnover creating younger, firmer looking skin

When used on the hair it helps increase circulation to the scalp which helps increase hair growth, and it leaves hair super shiny

Increases hydration for both skin and hair. Excellent fatty acid profile working as emollients.

Anti-inflammatory– makes it an excellent addition to any eye product targeting under-eye swelling; also fantastic for any body scrub or cream targeting cellulite or swelling

Smoothing hair strands

Super antioxidant with high levels of chlorogenic acid (caffeic acid)

Polyphenols to help repair aging skin and prevent signs of fine lines and wrinkles

Virgin Cold Pressed Green Coffee Oil is a lovely, light-weight oil that has a very mild, green, herbal aroma. It will not affect the color nor aroma of your finished product.

We also offer ground Green Coffee Beans as an exfoliant! These can work on any skin type, they are a sustainable product as they were first used to create the oil, then ground for the exfoliant, and they help impart the same oil benefits when used in your scrubbing products.

Since Green Coffee products do not smell like roasted coffee, remember that we have the most fabulous Roasted Coffee Essential oil and a Coffee Beans Fragrance to make them smell like roasted coffee. If you use the Roasted Coffee Essential oil, you will just enhance the coffee benefits (the fragrance will just make it smell delectable, but it does not have any plant properties).

As a side note, have you started using the Favorites section in your account online? This is the best way to mark those products you love so you can remember which ones they are! This way you can just click to add speed up your next checkout process.

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