Tuesday Tidbits

New Product Alert! Lavandin Essential Oil!

lavandin grosso essential oil

Welcome to the product line-up Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil. Lavandin is a hybrid plant, blending together true lavender with spike lavender. This creates a stronger lavender, with delicious herbal and camphoric notes.

Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil can be used on its own, or you can blend it with Lavender 40/42 or Organic Buena Vista Lavender to create a more solid lavender aroma. Lavandin can be used in soaps, skincare, hair care, body care, aromatherapy, candles and more.

If you’re creating a lavender line, here are other lavender based products that we carry for your formulating pleasure.

Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil-this is a standard blend of lavender. Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil is the most consistent of lavender essential oils as it is a standard blend of lavenders, and should smell consistent from batch to batch.

Organic Buena Vista Lavender-this lavender is stronger and has a totally different aroma than either Lavandin Grosso or Lavender 40/42. Organic Buena Vista Lavender is excellent for high end skincare products and pure aromatherapy products as the plant power is stronger. Technically this one would work in candles, but I would not advise it as it will cost prohibitive. Save this one for body care products where you want true lavender power.

Organic Lavender Oil Extract-we extract the Organic Lavender Buds into our Organic High Oleic Sunflower Oil. It is a 20% extraction method so the finished oil is strong in lavender properties. It is not a strong lavender aroma in the oil, so please don’t expect the Lavender Oil Extract to scent your finished product. This will, however, impart all the benefits of lavender and you can just add some lavender essential oil to boost the aroma.

Organic Lavender Buds– pure lavender buds with an amazing lavender aroma. These are excellent to make your own oil or alcohol extractions; you can add them to bath soaks to add texture and lavender benefits; you can use them to create facial steam sachets; you can include them in potpourri blends. We even have a customer that has made them into dryer bags to put in with your clothes! Brilliant!

Lavender Butter– this is a hydrogenated butter base, creamy and ready to use, with an amazing lavender aroma! This base can be used on its own, or you can incorporate it into body butters, lotions, face creams, body scrubs, you name it! I had made a sample body butter using lavender buttertangerine buttermeadowfoam seed oildaikon radish extractbroccoli seed oil, then added essential oils of patchouli and cornmint. Customers have loved sampling that at the checkout counter.

Organic Lavender Hydrosol/Hydrolat-hydrolats are a by-product of the essential oil making process. Lavender buds are steam distilled to create the essential oils. The heavy oils fall out and the residual steam is what is called the hydrosol/hydrolat.  This leftover steam water carries all the properties of lavender with a soft lavender aroma. Hydrolats are also referred to as hydrosols, but be aware that hydrolats are not always the same as plant “waters”. Oftentimes people will sell hydrosols or plant waters that have been diluted with regular water. In this case a preservative must be added. Our hydrolats are 100% pure steam distilled product, not water diluted so they do not have any preservatives added.  You can use hydrolats directly or you can incorporate them into your final products as part of the water phase.

Lavender Silk Naturally Derived Fragrance– to round out our lavender offerings we finish with our Lavender Silk Naturally Derived Fragrance. Naturally Derived (NDV) means that over 51% of the formula is comprised of ingredients that started as plants. This does not mean it is 51% essential oils, it means the ingredients used are botanical in origin and not synthetic. When you first smell Lavender Silk it is floral and sweet, then the warm, sensuous bottom notes hit you. Other names for this one would be Violet Nights, Baby Fresh, French Kiss, Soft Amber.

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