Tuesday Tidbits


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2019 Here We Come!

2018 brought about many changes here at Shay and Company. We have some new team members, several new products, a new look at the office and warehouse, and new intentions behind our products. Bill has been in the oil business for over 30 years and Shay and Company has been his life’s work. 2019 will continue to bring you all his knowledge and experience, coupled with some great new products.


This is the time of year that individuals and businesses make New Year’s Resolutions and goals and expectations for the coming year. We all have the best of intentions when making these plans to continue our personal and business growth, to become better humans and better businesses, and to help our friends and customers grow. Shay and Company is no different. We love our customers, from the individuals who come in to buy their supplies for handmade Christmas gifts, to the ever-faithful soap makers, up to the large scale food manufactures, candle makers, soap makers and skin care manufacturers. We appreciate each and every one of you!

2019 will bring more new ingredients so keep a watch out on our website and in the newsletters. We try not to fill your inbox with just words. Everything we send out will have an intention of education, new product release, sales, or special business hours.

In addition to new products, you will see some continued upgrades in our current product offerings. We know that the quality of ingredients and the quality of the source of our ingredients matters. We are well aware of the controversy over the over harvesting of palm oil and we have worked to source 100% CSPO (certified sustainable palm oil) palm. The specific company we work with has been in the RSPO world since before RSPO was a certifying body. All products from this vendor are supply chair certified, meaning they can guarantee all their palm products are CSPO/RSPO and not mixed with other non-RSPO palm. Our palm shortening and palm kernel flakes will transition to 100% CSPO palm. This does mean there will be a price increase, because CSPO palm is more expensive, but as with all our ingredients we will offer to you the absolute best possible pricing. It is our desire here that all ingredients be of the high possible standard at the best possible pricing.

Along with the high integrity palm, you will see continued upgrades in raw materials such as organic carrier oils, non-GMO ingredients, pure essential oils, new clays, and upgraded pre-made cosmetic bases. It is our intention to provide you with the highest quality, most natural, purest bases and ingredients so that you can in-turn provide your customers with the highest quality finished products.

Thank You

We thank you for your dedication to local businesses and all your support over the years. We thank you for your continued suggestion on new materials for us to carry (email them to orders@shayandcompany.com). We look forward to helping your businesses grow in 2019!

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