Tuesday Tidbits

Two More New Products!

yellow beeswax for candles

Please welcome to the lineup Yellow Beeswax for Candles and Organic Colloidal Oatmeal Powder, Gluten Free

Yellow Candle Beeswax

Yellow Beeswax for Candles- if you have been making either 100% pure beeswax candles or adding beeswax to your soy blends, this is the ideal beeswax just for that. Our yellow candle beeswax is made of sustainably harvested beeswax from all over the world, then refined in the US. This Yellow Candle Beeswax is only designed for use in candles and not for use in skincare. This specific beeswax has not been refined and tested for skincare applications, so please select one of our other many great beeswax if you’re looking to use it for skincare applications.

Here at Shay and Company we offer you four types of beeswax for skincare applications. We have smaller white pharmaceutical grade beeswax prillsconventional white beeswax granules/prills that are not pharmaceutical grade, organic white beeswax beads, and organic yellow beeswax beads.

Have you ever tried making taper candles? We actually have two waxes that make excellent taper candles: Yellow Beeswax for Candles and Bayberry Wax.

Melt the beeswax beads- beeswax is harder than soy or soy blends so you will have to heat this slightly higher. You do want to make sure to not overheat it so you don’t burn it.

Fragrance- you can add fragrances and/or essential oils to beeswax candles just like you do soy/soy blends. Beeswax does have a natural aroma so whichever scent you select you will need to ensure your fragrance/EO blend is strong enough or that it compliments it. I would suggest using 6-10% scent load in beeswax candles.

Once fragrance/EO is added, make sure to stir the blend completely and slowly. Stirring in scent is a critical step, and one where you can create some finish issues with your candles. Always stir slowly, in a W shape (not just round and round), making sure to go slow and not create pockets of air.

You can then pour the wax into your molds or containers, or you can start dipping your BLSQ wicking to make tapers. To make tapers you will cut your wick to slightly longer than the finished product so you have room to hold it. Dip the wick, allow to cool slightly, dip again, allow to cool, dip again, cool (you get it). Repeat this until you have the thickness you’re looking for. Hang to cool so you don’t get flat sides.

Organic Colloidal Oatmeal Powder, Gluten Free

Organic Gluten Free Colloidal Oatmeal can be used in soap bars, skincare, bath bombs and soaks, and hair care formulations. Our Organic Colloidal Oatmeal is a fine mesh and is gluten free.

Oatmeal is an excellent additive for anything that touches the skin. It works to not only help pull out toxins, but to also increase moisture retention on the skin. Oatmeal binds to the skin, locking in moisture and soothing inflamed skin. Colloidal Oatmeal is very good for all skin types are there is little documentation of any skin sensitivity.

Organic Colloidal Oatmeal is extremely good for sensitive skin, making it a great addition for products targeting eczema or psoriasis. You can incorporate Colloidal Oatmeal into lotions and creams at about 1%. Simply dissolve in the water phase or dissolve in water then add to your finished lotion. Be sure to use deionized water, and if you are adding to a pre-finished lotion or cream base, make sure to challenge test the preservative after adding the oatmeal. You can also use an organic hydrosol like our Organic Chamomile Hydrosol, to increase soothing benefits instead of just water.

We do sell Colloidal Oatmeal Extract in a liquid form. This is a pre-dissolved colloidal oatmeal ideal for water based formulas such as shampoo bars, facial serums, facial cleansers, etc., where you want the benefits of oatmeal but don’t want to work with the powder.

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