Tuesday Tidbits

Three popular products are back!

Shea Butter Cream Base– this is an awesome emulsified body butter. Super heavy in shea butter, this one is thick and creamy and rich….or at least it will be thick.

This current batch was just made August 1st, 2024. This product is THINNER when first made. You do have to allow it to air out and allow the shea butter to harden back up. This can take a few weeks of being open and breathing. This is not something we can control, other than allowing the butter to sit for a while before selling. Due to the long nature of manufacture, this one will be thinner. Give it time and it will turn back into the shea butter cream you love.

Candelilla Wax Beads– the best candelilla! You will love working with these beads.

Emulsifying Wax Beads– excellent quality with consistent output, these e-wax beads will make your emulsified bases lovely.

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